
1.35 acre Commercial Lot in Westwood, CA!

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Lots of uses for this property and located right here in Northern California! Looking for a piece of property to begin your business? This would be a great start, this land is zoned C-2, with a use permit you would be allowed to build a shop, contractor’s yard, some industrial uses and much more! Stop by and take a look.

Property Information

Address: 0 Cedar St, Westwood, CA 96137
County: Lassen
State: OK
Size: 1.35 acres
APN: 125-010-035-000
Road: Paved Road

Terrain: Level
Center GPS Coordinates: 40.2989, -121.0029

Property Features

Parcel Size






Nearest Cities

Reno, Redding, Sacramento

Parcel Number



0 Cedar St, Westwood, CA 96137

Nearby Attractions/City

Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox

Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox are the names of a pair of large statues of the American folk hero Paul Bunyan and his ox, located in Bemidji, Minnesota. This roadside attraction has been listed on the National Register of Historic Places since 1988.

Built in 1937 to attract attention of passing motorists, these are similar to such structures as the Benewah Milk Bottle, the Teapot Dome Service Station, or the comparably colossal Dinosaur Park sculptures in South Dakota. These were all built in a period of time when automobile travel became increasingly affordable and popular.

This pair of statues are said by the Kodak Company to be the “second most photographed statues in the United States”, behind Mount Rushmore in South Dakota.